Saturday, August 1, 2015

Day 8 (July 27th, 2015): The Plagues Continue

So, the fun of today was being in four states at once.  Yes, we also travelled through four states in one day, but how many people can say they did this?

Ok, a lot of people can--we waited almost exactly one hour in the hot sun (NO shade) for this experience.  At least the place was very breezy!  And, I'm glad I bought 50 SPF sunblock!  Even with it over ever inch of my visible skin, I could still feel the sun's rays boiling my blood and peeling back my skin.

At least I got to try some authentic Navajo frybread!  It. Was. Fantastic.  (the frank was just ok.)

After that, we visited Hovenweep National Monument in Utah, mostly for grabbing a Geo Cache within Utah and the National Parks Passport stamp.  But, it was a lovely area to walk around.  They had some ruins atop the canyon, instead of cliff dwellings like Mesa Verde.

Then, we made our way through New Mexico (by way of 15 minutes through Arizona), to visit the Aztec Ruins in Aztec, NM.  That was truly wonderful, too (but Mesa Verde was cooler)!  We were able to walk around "regular" ruins (ground-level; no hiking).  They were fairly complete for such an expansive complex, too,  I honestly don't remember if any work had been completed to fix them up, but we were able to see a replica/reconstruction of their great kiva (a really large kiva, or underground ceremonial chamber, especially compared to all the others we've seen thus far).

Continuing our drive in NM, towards our hotel, we stopped for a Geo Cache, and I had an allergic reaction to some plant nearby!  My knuckles on both hands broke out in itchy, hot hives. :(

We later stopped at a diner.  I ordered Southwest enchiladas with red chili sauce.  It was pretty good, especially for just a diner.  They say red sauce is supposed to be spicy.  It was not at this location, at least nothing like Mexican food.  It barely had any pica [bite].  I don't believe they use as many spices, either, so it wasn't as savory as Mexican food.

It was a pretty easygoing and short day!

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