Sunday, August 2, 2015

Kim: Day 12

Yesterday we went back to White Sands and explored the simple white beauty during the daylight hours- so gald it was early mornng because by the time we were leaving, it was HOT!


Our drives today took us through the mountains again - this time in southern New Mexico.  THis is Billy the Kid territory, and although we didn't have time to stop in Lincoln, NM for a more indepth view, we did find the BIlly the Kid Visitor Center with great exhibits and even a fun geocache.  IT was the perfect way to wait out hte passing storm.

We landed in Roswell next.  Better known as the UFO capital of the world.  It was fun to explore the visitors center, read about the evidence in the museums and drive around town in search of hte little green men!

Our final activity was a Bat Viewing and Blue Moon hike at Carlsbad Caverns.  The bats were awesome, but we weren't allowed to use any cameras or electronics, so no pics.  The Full moon was out at the caverns as opposed to it's hiding status at White Sands the night before.  We hiked the hills of the Chihuahuan Dessert above the caverns for about an hour as the moon rose, seeing the moon in all it's glory, casting shadows everywhere.  We also viewed scorpions with blacklights and the moon and stars with high powered equipment.

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