Monday, July 27, 2015

Kim: Day 7

Mesa Verde - Today's visit checked a box off my bucket list.  All I can say is WOW and Yes, I did take the Balcony House Tour and survive!  My total lack of adventure when it comes to heights and thrill rides was set aside today as I climbed a 32 foot ladder that was hanging off a cliff 500 feet up as well as 3-4 other 10 foot ladders and stairs VERY close to the edge of a VERY high cliff - but it was very worth it - a memory for the books.

We ended our day truly searching out the perfect sunset picture and boy were we rewarded - we found a perfect spot in Mesa Verde with 360 views of the horizon.  Park Point was our dream spot - you could see for miles and miles in every direction and the clouds and sun were perfect tonight.

Abby and I ended our night with these views - all is well from Cortez, CO - tomorrow we say goodbye to Colorado.

1 comment:

  1. I might have tried climbing those ladders at your age, but not mine.
