Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Kim:Day 2

 Today brought us (well me) another long day of driving to get to our destinaton of Denver.  But once again, there were many fun and unique stops along the way.  Starting out in Amarillo, we spent some time scouting out Cadillac Ranch and Rt 66 Historic District - unfortunately neither were too exciting, but we can say we've seen them both.

Moving up the Texas panhandle, brought us through beautiful rolling hills and landed us in Oklahoma.  A quick stop for a geocache or 2 and we were on our merry way, with a fun detour through farm fields and houses reminescent of the Dust Bowl that devistated this area in the 30s.

That brought us to the tri state marker and we had officially entered Kansas (and Colorado and Oklahoma too) - beautiful rolling grasslands and and windmill and survey marker greated us.  This began our short but sweet visit to Kansas.

And experience Kansas we did - at Cimarron National  Grasslands - with its artesian wells, Santa Fe Trail markers and wheel ruts and Point of Rocks which is the 3rd highst point in Kansas - beauty was all around us.

We continued our driving and headed west into Colorado, across the grassy plains of Eastern CO - Wow FLAT!!  Our daylight ended when a huge plains storm crossed our path - I never knew a storm could be so beautiful and captivating.  But we were able to search out our sunset once again and day 2 was complete when we pulled into Denver for a well deserved nights sleep - looking forward to tomorrow when the only driving to be done is into downtown, measured in minutes not hours!

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